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The Wildings is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our young people. All colleagues and volunteers share this commitment. All colleagues are trained at a minimum to safeguarding level 2. We ensure an annual focus on the current Keeping Children Safe in Education: KCSIE. Our induction training includes Domestic Violence, Modern Slavery, Gangs and Youth Violence, Physical Abuse, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence.
The safeguarding team, Mike Rees-Lee, Principal and Melody Bond, Student and Family Services, undertake further training, including Managing Allegations and the role of LADO. They attend frequent updates throughout each academic year, provided by the Local Authority. We work with a local company ‘Safeguarding Network’ who provide in depth training and presentations for delivery by a member of The Wildings safeguarding team. There is a comprehensive plan of training sessions to be delivered throughout the academic year, which also include online learning tasks and assessments to test the understanding of colleagues at The Wildings. In addition to a comprehensive training plan for all colleagues, The Wildings are in the process of setting up a Governance structure where the Chair of Governors will also be undertaking Safeguarding audits regularly, to ensure compliance.
We live in a rapidly changing world. Our young people face challenges and dangers from the internet and social media that, as adults, we find hard to understand and often not even aware of. The Wildings colleagues work to inform, educate and protect our young people. Due to the huge importance of safeguarding throughout our community, and wider world, we emphasise this to the young people through the curriculum. In particular throughout our PSHEE curriculum. There is also open “table top” discussions throughout lunchtimes including, but not limited to, E-Safety, Radicalisation and Extremism and Gang Activity.
All colleagues are here to listen. They help the young people as well as their families. The Wildings colleagues work closely with other agencies, accessing support and resources.
We will ensure that all recruitment practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks.
Information sharing between agencies supporting young people
Working closely with Social Care, police and health as well as a wealth of other agencies. This support will help us to ensure we can support our pupils when there are additional needs. Ultimately improve outcomes for them.
Lucy Faithfull Foundation
Lucy Faithfull Foundation believes that child sexual abuse is preventable and that we can have a society where children are free from sexual abuse and exploitation. Our purpose is to safeguard children and young people from sexual abuse by preventing it and responding to it.
Click here for a guide for parents and carers.
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is a Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse. Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been exposed or involved in a domestic abuse incident which occurred the previous day.
This knowledge, given to the school’s Key Adult, (Melody Bond attended Operation Encompass Training, with Devon and Cornwall Police and is The Wildings Key Adult) supports immediate early intervention through overt or silent support, dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child. Please click on the image below for more information.
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